Azure DevOps Solution Expert Master Class - Blended Learning ± 140 uren studietijd / 365 dagen toegang / 1 examen voucher inbegrepen

1 195,00 € excl. BTW

Azure DevOps is een uitgebreide suite van ontwikkeltools en -diensten die door Microsoft wordt aangeboden om de volledige levenscyclus van softwareontwikkeling (SDLC) te ondersteunen. Het vergemakkelijkt de samenwerking tussen ontwikkelingsteams, operatieteams en kwaliteitsborgingsteams, waardoor ze softwareprojecten efficiënt kunnen plannen, ontwikkelen, leveren en monitoren.

Het deelnemen aan een Azure DevOps Solution Expert Master Class biedt tal van voordelen, vooral voor IT-professionals, ontwikkelaars en organisaties die hun softwareontwikkelings- en implementatieprocessen willen optimaliseren.

Deze gecombineerde training omvat:

  • 140 uur gecombineerde training: 20 uur online zelfstudie en 120 uur training onder leiding van een instructeur
  • 53 casestudy's op basis van de industrie
  • 4 beoordelingstests
  • 4 simulatie projecten
  • 1 jaar toegang
  • 1 examenvoucher inbegrepen (AZ 400)

Opgelet: deze module en het inbegrepen examen zijn enkel in het Engels.

    Meer info

    Why attend this training?

    • Comprehensive Understanding of Azure DevOps: gain a deep understanding of Azure DevOps tools and services to equip yourself with the knowledge to manage the entire software development lifecycle effectively.

    • Enhance Productivity and Efficiency: learn to streamline workflows and automate processes to increase team productivity and reduce manual errors, leading to faster project completion and delivery.

    • Improve Collaboration: facilitate better communication and coordination among development, operations, and QA teams and foster a collaborative environment that improves project outcomes and team synergy.

    • Accelerate Time-to-Market: implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and speed up the development cycle, enabling quicker release of features and products.

    • Ensure Quality and Security: adopt best practices for testing, monitoring, and security within DevOps processes and deliver high-quality, secure software that meets compliance standards.

      • Hands-on Experience: engage in practical labs and real-world scenarios and gain practical knowledge and skills that you can directly apply to your projects.

      • Cost Efficiency: optimize resource utilization and reduce operational costs through automation and efficient DevOps practices to lower expenses related to error corrections, downtime, and inefficient processes.

      Learning Objectives

      At the end of this Azure DevOps Solution Expert program, you will:

      • Develop an instrumentation strategy
      • Elaborate a Site Reliability engineering (SRE) strategy
      • Enhance a security and compliance plan
      • Manage source control
      • Facilitate communication and collaboration
      • Define continuous integration
      • Implement a continuous delivery and release management strategy

      Course Curriculum

        Delivery Mode

        Blended - Online self-paced learning and live virtual classroom

        Who Should Attend?

        • Professionals aspiring to clear the Microsoft Certified DevOps Engineer Expert Exam
        • IT professionals who want to understand Microsoft DevOps
        • Cloud Professionals
        • Software Developers
        • Solution Architects
        • System Administrators
        • Project Manager
        • Site Reliability Engineers
        • Technical Leads


        There are no eligibility criteria for this Azure DevOps solution Expert course.  The course is designed in such a way that even the absolute beginners will be comfortable with the course progress.  However having fundamental knowledge of below mentioned topics might be beneficial for the learners:

        • Fundational knowledge of Cloud architecture
        • Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
        • Basic understanding of virtualization, networking & databases
        • Proficiency in using Visual Studio IDE, PowerShell and Command-Line interface

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        Categorie Agile, Scrum & Devops
        Certificatie DevOps
        Niveau Advanced
        Examen Examen inbegrepen
        Taal Engels
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