Lean Six Sigma Green Belt eLearning (ILSSI) Durée : 80 heures / 6 mois d'accès / voucher d'examen ILSSI compris

599,00 € HT

Notre cours en ligne Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) offre aux participants :

  • une compréhension des divers outils et techniques Six Sigma et Lean qui les aideront à améliorer le processus de production et à minimiser les défauts du produit final en mettant davantage l'accent sur la mise en œuvre pratique de ces outils et techniques dans l'entreprise
  • les connaissances nécessaires à l'amélioration des processus de production et à l'adoption de la méthodologie Lean Six Sigma dans leurs organisations
  • la capacité d'identifier, d'anticiper et de travailler pour résoudre les problèmes liés à la mise en œuvre pratique de Lean Six Sigma

Ce package unique d'apprentissage en ligne et de certification comprend

  • 51 leçons et 37 vidéos de haute qualité,
  • 8 supports de cours et du matériel de référence avec 30 exercices ainsi que des quiz
  • une application mobile pour apprendre et étudier où et quand vous le souhaitez
  • un système de suivi des progrès dans l'étude
  • L'examen ILSSI Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

ATTENTION : ce module eLearning et l'examen n'existent qu'en anglais !

En savoir plus

Course & Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will have learned to:

  • Identify project selection and evaluation criteria
  • Plan and execute Six Sigma projects
  • Form and effectively lead a Six Sigma project team
  • Apply DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) and various Six Sigma tools in process and quality improvement
  • Assess and manage project risk
  • Significantly increase profitability through Six Sigma projects
  • Avoid pitfalls in implementing Six Sigma
  • Integrate and enhance innovation and problem-solving skills

Course Contents

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma

  • History of quality (Deming, Juran, JIT, Ishikawa, Taguchi, and more.)
  • Evolution of Six Sigma
  • Definition Six Sigma – philosophy and objectives
  • Overview of Six Sigma DMAIC process

Stakeholders and how to set up a Lean Six Sigma Project

  • Stakeholder requirements: identification and documentation
  • Criteria for project selection
  • Project planning
  • How to manage team dynamics
  • Project management and planning tools

 Lean Six Sigma Methodology – Define

  • Inputs – Need for six sigma project, executive management sponsorship, core team identified
  • Tools and outputs

 Lean Six Sigma Methodology – Measure

  • Objectives of the Measure phase
  • Inputs – the outputs of the Define phase
  • Tools and outputs

 Lean Six Sigma Methodology – Analyze

  • Objectives of the Analyze phase
  • Inputs – outputs of the Measure phase
  • Tools and outputs

Lean Six Sigma Methodology – Improve

  • Objectives of the Improve phase
  • Inputs – outputs of the Analyze phase
  • Tools and outputs

Lean Six Sigma Methodology – Control

  • Objectives and inputs of the Control phase
  • Tools and outputs

 Additional Lean Concepts

  • A Value Stream Map
  • Lean is speed
  • Total Supply Chain
  • Lean Six Sigma Logistics

Who Should Attend?

This course and Green Belt certification level is designed for employees and organizations requiring a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.

Roles include Quality System Managers, Supervisors, Operations Managers, Finance and Commercial Managers, and professionals who want to apply the methodologies and quality control process within an organization.


There are no formal prerequisites to enroll for this online course. However, we would advice to have some working experience (2 years or more), be comfortable with statistics and have a passion for problem solving and attention for details.

Certification Exam

The ILSSI (International Lean Six Sigma Institute) Green Belt exam is included in this package, with the possibility of taking a second time free of charge.
The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and each question only has one correct answer.
The test duration is 2 hours.

What's included?

This unique eLearning & exam package includes:

  • 37 videos
  • study guides
  • 1 case study book with 30 exercices
  • quizz questions
  • progress tracking reports
  • the ILSSI (International Six Sigma Institute) Green Belt exam with 1 resit
  • discussion forum
  • access to the mobile app

Questions / Réponses

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Catégories Processus d'Affaires et Gestion de la Qualité
Certification Lean Six Sigma
Niveau Foundation
Examen Examen inclus
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