Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt eLearning (ILSSI) Durée : 36 heures / 6 mois d'accès / voucher d'examen ILSSI compris

399,00 € HT

Pourquoi suivre notre formation en ligne Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt ?

Durant cette formation en ligne Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, vous apprendrez la théorie et la mettrez en pratique lors d'exercices visant à résoudre des problèmes non complexes de manière structurelle.

Vous apprendrez à solutionner réellement les problèmes, à rendre les processus plus efficients et plus efficaces. Cela vous permettra de faire plus avec le même nombre de personnes, sans travailler plus dur mais en travaillant plus intelligemment.

Ce qui est compris dans notre pack eLearning :

  • 36 heures d'apprentissage
  • De nombreuses vidéos et exercices variés
  • Le téléchargement possible de chaque cours avec prise de note
  • Le suivi de la progression du cours
  • Un forum de discussion
  • Une application mobile pour étudier quand et où vous le souhaitez
  • L'examen ILSSI Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Important : ce module eLearning et l'examen n'existent qu'en anglais ! 

En savoir plus

Course & Learning Objectives

After this e-learning and acquiring your Internationally accredit ILSSI-certificate by passing the exam, you as Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt can lead small improvement projects or be a team member in a Lean project.
The participant has knowledge on these topics:

  • Lean Six Sigma terminology
  • Lean improvement tools Waste, Flow, Pull en Value stream analyse
  • How to solve a problem or improve a process in a structured way,
  • The different improvement tools, when and how to use them,
  • How to make a process faster, better and more stable by eliminating waste.

    Course Contents

    • Introduction to Lean
    • Introduction to Six Sigma
    • Writing Effective Problem Statements
    • Introduction to Kaizen
    • Using the A3 Report for Rapid Improvement
    • SIPOC Mapping
    • Understanding and Implementing 55/6S
    • Implementing and Facilitating Lean "Huddles"
    • Visual Workplace
    • Standard Work
    • Mapping the process
    • Spaghetti Diagrams
    • Gemba (Waste) Walks
    • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
    • Error-Proofing/Mistake-proofing
    • Controlling the Process
    • Assessing Process Capability
    • Constructing Project  Charters
    • Managing Change
    • Brainstorming, Affinity Diagrams & Team Voting
    • Cause & Effects Diagrams & the Five Whys
    • Pareto Charts and the 80/20 Rule
    • Introduction to Basic Statistics
    • Graphical Analysis - The Histogram
    • Graphical Analysis - The Boxplot
    • Graphical Analysis - The Scatter Plot

      Who Should Attend?

      The Leen Six Sigma Yellow Belt e-learning is suitable for:

      • Starters at the beginning of their career,
      • Anybody working in a Lean or Lean Six Sigma (LSS) organization or in a LSS project or is going to participate in a LSS project,
      • Anybody who want to execute a non-complex improvement project in a structural manner,
      • Participants that want to continue to the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training,
      • Anybody who wants to learn the basics of the Lean Six Sigma principles and the some tools that accompany them.


      There are no formal entry criteria to enter this course or certification.

      However, a good working knowledge of English is necessary to attend this eLearning and pass the exam.

      Certification Exam

      The ILSSI (International Lean Six Sigma Institute) Yellow Belt exam is included in this package, with the possibility of taking a second time free of charge.
      The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and each question only has one correct answer.
      The test duration is 1 hour.

      Questions / Réponses

      Soyez le premier à poser une question à propos de Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt eLearning (ILSSI)

      Avis des clients

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      Catégories Processus d'Affaires et Gestion de la Qualité
      Certification Lean Six Sigma
      Niveau Foundation
      Examen Examen inclus
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