CISM® Certification Blended Learning Certified Information Security Manager Durée : ± 40 heures d'étude/ accès 365 jours / voucher d'examen CISM® compris

1 750,00 € HT

Les violations de données, les attaques par ransomware et les autres menaces de sécurité en constante évolution sont au cœur des préoccupations des professionnels de l'informatique d'aujourd'hui. Avec la certification Certified Information Security Manager® (CISM®), vous apprendrez à évaluer les risques, à mettre en place une gouvernance efficace et à répondre de manière proactive aux incidents.

Cette formation mixte et ce programme de certification comprennent

  • 40 heures de formation mixte : 4 heures d'auto-apprentissage en ligne et 36 heures de formation avec instructeur
  • un certificat de fin de cours reconnu mondialement
  • 1 an d'accès
  • 1 test d'évaluation
  • Formation accrédité par l'ISACA
  • 1 voucher d'examen inclus

    ATTENTION : ce module ainsi que l'examen sont en anglais.  

    En savoir plus

    Why becoming CISM certified?

    The CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) course is a globally recognized certification program designed for professionals in the field of information security management. It is offered by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), a leading international professional association for IT governance, risk management, and cybersecurity.

    This eLearning including CISM certification will help to 

    • Focuse on the management and governance of information security within an organization
    • Provide a framework and best practices for developing, implementing, and managing an effective information security program
    • Increase the CISM profesionnals confidence while working in an organization by by giving the knowledge and practical skills in security and management

    Course & Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this CISM course, you will have full working knowledge of:

    • Information security management activities and reviews of the infrasctructure
    • Plans and performance of information security requirements
    • Life-cycle-based risk management practices and principles
    • Risk management steps during events that might affect securiy baseline
    • Analyzing techniques for mitigating risks to acceptable levels
    • Acquire the relevant knowledge and skills required to pass the CISM certification exam from ISACA

    Course Curriculum

      • Domain 01 - Information Security Governance
      • Domain 02 - Information Risk Management and Compliance
      • Domain 03 - Information Security Program Development and Management
      • Domain 04 - Information Security Incident Management
      • Domain 05 - Protection of Information Assets

      Delivery Mode

      Blended - Online self-paced learning and live virtual classroom

      Completion criteria

      • Attend one complete batch and or complete 85 percent of online self-learning content
      • Sucessfully pass the assessment test

      Who Should Attend?

      • Security consultants and managers
      • IT directors and managers
      • Security auditors and architects
      • Security system engineers
      • Information security managers
      • IT consultants and risk officers


      To become a CISM certified professional, you need to fulfill the following criteria:

      • A completed application must be submitted within 5 years from the date of initially passing the examination
      • All experience must be verified independently with employers
      • This experience must have been gained within the 10-year period preceding the application date for certification or within five years of passing the examination
      • 3 years of the 5 years of the work experience must be gained performing the role of an information security manager
      • In addition, this work experience must be broad and gained in 3 of the 4 CISM domains

      Examination Guidelines

      • Online proctoring exam any time, 7 days a week
      • Exam available in English
      • 4-hour multiple-choice paper 
      • 150 questions 
      • Obtaining 450 points on an 800-point scale to pass the exam.
      • Rescheduling an exam up to 48 hours before the start time is free of charge. Subsequent rescheduling is subject to an additional fee.

      How to become CISM certified?

      Taking and passing the CISM certification exam is just the first step in becoming certified.

      To become CISM certified, you must meet the following requirements:

      • Pass the certification exam
      • Pay 50 $ of application fee
      • Submit application to demonstrate experience requirements
      • Adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics
      • Adhere to the Continuing Professional Education Policy

      Candidates have five years from passing the exam to apply for CISM certification.

      Questions / Réponses

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      Catégories Sécurité Informatique, Audit et Gouvernance
      Certification COBIT/CISA/CISM/CyberSecurity
      Niveau Avancé
      Examen Examen inclus
      Langue Anglais
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