COBIT® 2019 Foundation eLearning Durée : 3 heures / accès 365 jours / voucher d'examen compris

630,00 € HT

Cet eLearning COBIT® 2019 Foundation vous donnera une compréhension approfondie du framework COBIT pour la gestion et la gouvernance des environnements informatiques d'entreprise. 

La certification COBIT 2019 est un socle de départ pour devenir un responsable de la gouvernance informatique. Elle vous permet de renforcer votre connaissance des concepts et des meilleures pratiques pour définir, améliorer et maintenir une gouvernance efficace pour atteindre vos objectifs.

Vous maîtriserez les principes COBIT, les facilitateurs, les phases de mise en œuvre et les modèles d'évaluation des processus. 

Dans cette eLearning sont inclus :
  • Plus de 3 heures de contenu d'auto-apprentissage de haute qualité
  • Une assistance 24/7 avec des sessions de mentorat dédiées
  • Un voucher d'examen COBIT 2019 Foundation
  • Un certificat reconnu mondialement

ATTENTION : ce module eLearning et l'examen n'existent qu'en anglais ! 

En savoir plus

Course & Learning Objectives

At the end of this training, participants will:

  • Recognize the need for an effective framework to govern and manage enterprise IT and learn to create value for enterprises
  • Relate to the COBIT framework concepts and understand its use with other standards and best practices
  • Understand the five principles and seven enablers, along with the importance of good practices for better governance and management
  • Understand the IT management issues that are affecting organizations, including pain points and trigger events
  • Learn COBIT functions, the benefits of using COBIT, various governance and management processes, and the process reference model
  • Implement COBIT in practical situations, specifically dealing with issues that often occur in enterprises
  • Understand the concepts of process capability assessments and how various processes may be improved through the seven-stage lifecycle approach

Course Outline

  • Lesson 01 - Course Introduction
  • Lesson 02 - Principles
  • Lesson 03 - Governance Systems and Components
  • Lesson 04 - Governance and Management Objectives
  • Lesson 05 - Performance Management
  • Lesson 06 - Designing a Tailored Governance System
  • Lesson 07 - Business Case
  • Lesson 08 - Implementation
  • Lesson 09 - Foundation Exam

Who should attend?

This Cobit 2019 training is ideal for:

  • IS/IT auditors/consultants
  • IT compliance managers
  • Chief compliance officers
  • Chief risk and privacy officers
  • Security manager/director
  • Security architects


No formal qualification is required to take this COBIT course or complete the exam, but experience and knowledge of IT service-providing firms or IT service-providing departments of any firm are required. 

About the Examination

Question Format: Multiple-choice
Duration:  2 hours
Exam Questions: 75
Open Book Exam:  No
Pass Grade: 65 %
Language: English 
Certificate Type: Digital Certificate
Delivery Format: Online Exam

Course Delivery Method

Language: English 
Delivery Format: eLearning delivered as a voucher

The exam voucher is included in the price of this eLearning module.

Questions / Réponses

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Catégories Sécurité Informatique, Audit et Gouvernance
Certification COBIT/CISA/CISM/CyberSecurity
Niveau Foundation
Examen Examen inclus
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