ISTQB Foundation eLearning Durée : 17 heures / accès 90 jours / voucher d'examen compris

940,00 € HT

The fully accredited ISTQB Foundation e-Learning is designed to improve your knowledge and skills in the field of structured software testing based on international standards and prepare for the exam.

  • An easy to use digital study guide covering the Foundation syllabus.
  • Interactive question and answer exercises throughout the course.
  • Sample and ‘mock’ exam papers marked online.
  • E-mail tutor support from experienced ISTQB accredited experts in the domain.

Improve your knowledge and skills in structured software testing at your own pace, anytime, anywhere, and prepare for the ‘ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing’ certification exam, included in the price of this e-learning pack.

Attention : ce module eLearning ainsi que l'examen ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais !

Questions / Réponses

1 question

  • Question de Aurélie Marivat

    Hello, Do you deliver this training in French as well ? Please let me know, Thanks

    Réponse de B2B Learning

    Hello Aurélie,

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    This elearning is only available in English.

    Our open calendar courses, either classroom or virtual, are available in English or French.

    Please contact us should you have any further questions regarding our ISTQB Foundation courses.

    Kind regards,


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Catégories Tests Logiciels, Data Sciences, Cloud et IA
Certification ISTQB
Niveau Foundation
Examen Examen inclus
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