Examen ITIL® 4 Foundation Obtenez votre certification ITIL 4 Foundation

475,00 € HT

  • Bon d'examen officiel PeopleCert Online Proctored ITIL4 Foundation (validité 1 an)
  • Inclut le guide officiel ITIL4 Foundation et l'OTM (matériel de formation officiel) de PeopleCert
  • Passez votre examen avec surveillance en ligne et à distance, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
  • L'examen ITIL4 Foundation est disponible en français, anglais ou néerlandais
  • Durée de l'examen : 60 minutes + temps supplémentaire pour les non-natifs
  • Format: 40 questions à choix multiple et à livre fermé
  • Note de passage: 65% ou plus (26 points ou plus)
  • Assurance optionnelle Take2, à acheter/ajouter dans votre panier d'achat

Questions / Réponses

3 questions

  • Question de Alain

    Hello, I would like to know if the price above is only for the ITIL4 exam ? This does not include the ITIL4 Foundation course ? Thank you.

    Réponse de B2B Learning

    Dear Alain,

    The ITIL 4 Foundation exam voucher costs 460 € excl VAT :


    There is indeed no training.  It is only for the exam voucher !  With this exam voucher you do have access to a digital ITIL book and digital OTM (Official Training Materials).

    If you want a training:


    Price is 1.495 € excl VAT for a 3 day training including the exam and Take2 option.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.

    Kind regards,


  • Question de Alaa Eddine

    Hi, When is the next exam date for ITIL ? in English or in French Thanks

  • Question de Rosen Filipov

    Good morning, I am working in Luxembourg and would like to take advantage of this ITIL exam. I intend to purchase the voucher plus the retake. My question is the following - is there any minimum timeframe in which I need to schedule the exam ? Can I book a time slot as soon as possible ? Looking forward to hearing from you, Rossen Filipov

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Produits liés


Catégories Gestion des Services IT et Architecture
Certification ITIL
Niveau Foundation
Durée 60 minutes
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